Why join ?



 Why join the “POLYSEMI” literary park network

In the initial networking phase, one of the issues spontaneously raised by potential members concerned the reasons why they should “go online”. The issue has become central, especially if we consider the possibility of pushing sharing not only to common forms of planning, but also to the use of resources and common organizational formulas.

A possible slogan to summarize why it would be useful to join the Polysemi network could be:


The correct focus of the aims, prospects and benefits that should derive from joining the network therefore becomes essential.

In this perspective, here is a summary framework aimed at offering an answer to the question initially asked, divided into two distinct profiles through which they are highlighted: (A) AIMS AND PERSPECTIVES MAKING THE POLYSEMI NETWORK “APPETIBLE”; (B) EXPECTED BENEFITS.


  1. To connect subjects, organizations, resources and knowledge in order to allow new forms of planning and sharing of the results and all the activities concerning the Park;
  2. To enhance cross-border relationships and exchanges of information, ideas and resources in general in order to carry out real systematic cross-border collaborations, also using organizational formulas, as well as innovative and shared forms of planning;
  3. To strengthen the support and promotion of park activities with the involvement, from time to time, either “targeted” or “widespread”, of those who work in and with the network, to develop new methods of intervention and new functional tools aimed to pursue the aims of Polysemi;
  4. To increase the capacity of involvement of the subjects operating in connection (either direct or indirect) or in real synergy with the Park by promoting and sharing the collateral initiatives to those of the park itself;
  5. To allow the sharing of common decisions and strategies in order to organize new governance forms of the park and its activities, also through the drafting of memoranda of understanding and regulations to be prepared during the work;
  6. To make awareness-raising activities more effective and systematic in the use and enrichment of the opportunities offered by the Park and make its development dynamic, virtuous and constant;
  7. To connect the network of operators more effectively with the potential network of users through the shared creation of so-called “social” applications and tools for the gradual strengthening of the Park.


  1. Exchange and sharing of information, of tangible and intangible resources, of design and / or organizational skills capable of contributing to the strengthening and development of each member of the network;
  2. Simplification of contacts, connections and cross-border collaborations which would otherwise be difficult and very expensive, as well as the possibility of making them increasingly effective and systematic;
  3. The network is destined to become a network of diversified and unpredictable collaborations with which to face every individual and collective development project;
  4. Any important initiative or project would be impossible or much more expensive if pursued individually by each of the members;
  5. (if possible) Better weighting of the risks and uncertainties related to the initiatives to be undertaken;
  6. Widening the cultural and operational horizons for each member;
  7. Acquisition of skills in the use of tools and technologies (e.g. the portal) which would otherwise be impossible;
  8. The synergy between public and private made possible by the network favors the improvement of performances in the pursuit of public interests, on the one hand, and the reputation and “social prestige” of private subjects, on the other (especially in consideration of the fact that the Park’s core network is cultural as well as economic-social in nature);
  9. Greater and more effective circulation of best practices;
  10. Creation of new and unexpected opportunities (either shared by all members or individual);
  11. Greater impact both on the actions implemented by the entire network and on those carried out by the individual members of the network as an expression of a wider and more articulated “organization”;
  12. Virtuous effects in terms of organization and “internal” operations for each subject where there is sharing of intent and effective governance of the network;