POLYSEMI Final Conference
The POLYSEMI consortium invites you to participate in the Final POLYSEMI Conference that will take place on Tuesday, December 22, 2020 at 15.00 (EET/Greek time).

Online Press Conference
The Region of Ionian Islands invites you to watch live the Online Press Conference that will take place on Monday, December 14 at 11:30 (Greek time)
Watch it live here: https://bit.ly/3qMHHA2
Digital Cultural Heritage and its Contribution to Tourism
The Region of Ionian Islands invites you to participate in the Online International Symposium with subject: «Digital Cultural Heritage and its Contribution to Tourism» which will take place on Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 11.00 am. (Greek time).
Register now here: https://xdiginet.gr/website/polysemi/

POLYSEMI Networking Platform - Project Report
The Region of Ionian Islands invites you to participate in the Online Info Day with subject: «POLYSEMi Networking Platform – Project report» which will take place on Friday, December 4, 2020 at 11.00 am. (Greek time) via Zoom teleconferencing platform at: https://bit.ly/3qb5kSu
Literature as a tourist guide
The Region of Ionian Islands invites you to participate in the Online Info Day with subject: “Literature as a tourist guide” that will take place on Friday, November 27, 2020 at 11:00 (EET).

International itinerant congress
The final International Itinerant Congress of the project, entitled “A ship’s deck log: traveling on the literary paths in Greece and Magna Graecia”, took place on October 15, 2020, in an online, fully virtual, manner due to the COVID19 outbreak.
Corfu, Bari, Taranto: Invisible threads - Visible ties
Three Video Art Installations united three different historical buildings in three cities, in Greece (Corfu) and Magna Graecia (Bari, Taranto).
The second stop of the action was organized in Bari, Vallisa Church, Ferrarese Square, on Saturday 8th of February 2020.
There was a similar event in Corfu, on January and another one, in Taranto.

Literary Week
Events and happenings that took place in November 2019 in Corfu comprised the Literary Week organized by the Ionian University for the promotion and dissemination of POLYSEMI’s ongoing results.
Between the Adriatic and the Ionian. Cultural heritage and territorial development
On October 29-30, 2019 the International Study Conference “Between the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. Cultural heritage and territorial development” took place in Palazzo Pantaleo, Taranto.

Educational Activities
A series of special educational workshops and an educational tour have been organized by Ionian University for the promotion and dissemination of POLYSEMI’s results.

Tra Adriatico e Ionio
Read More!Itineraries Section
The basic actions of POLYSEMI include the creation of ten literary itineraries that have been created on the web and on site, following the trail of the writers’ travel diaries.

Digital Library
A digital library of travel literature is established concerning the geographic area included in the project.
The digital portal is to be seen as a fundamental tool for the realization of the POLYSEMi project, including its cultural, economic and social aspects, and as a container and pool of connections for the main activities and resources carried out throughout the project’s two years lifetime.

Educational Tours
Educational tours for writers and poets, whose origin and action are on the Ionian Islands, are part of the POLYSEMI program and are designed to effectively connect visitors to the rich and varied spiritual and cultural heritage of the Ionian Islands and Magna Grecia.
Video trainings
Related multimedia content from activities carried out within the POLYSEMi project is published online at a dedicated space at the Park’s digital portal.

POLYSEMi is supported by the community
I approach each project with a new perspective, almost like the first project I ever did. And with POLYSEMI I get the sweats; I go in and start working, even if I’m not sure where I’m going. Its a very inspiring project, after all!
John Katheniotis -
POLYSEMi is one of the most interesting projects I ever worked for!
Yorghos Voutos -
POLYSEMI project, funded under the Axis 2 of the Programme (i.e., Integrated Environmental Management), aims to promote the creation of a “Literary Travel Park of Greece and Magna Graecia”, with the development of forms of sustainable and seasonally literary tourism, interested in the identity of the places of Puglia and the Ionian Islands.
Vassilios Chrissikopoulos -
The basic actions of POLYSEMI include the creation of ten literary itineraries that will be created on the web and on site, following the trail of the writers’ travel diaries; a digital library of travel literature will be set up concerning the geographic area included in the project; tourist-literary training courses will be organized with “stages” and related workshops, in order to train professionals specialized in cultural tourism
Katia Kermanidou -
All activities carried out within the POLYSEMi project will have their visibility on the Park’s digital portal, which will offer pages/showcases for the widest dissemination of contents and results. From this point of view the digital portal is to be seen as a fundamental tool for the realization of the POLYSEMi project, including its cultural, economic and social aspects, and as a container and pool of connections for the main activities and resources carried out throughout the project’s two years lifetime.
Phivos Mylonas
Kick-off meeting
The Kick-off meeting of the project Polysemi – Park of literary travels of Greece and Magna Graecia”, was held on 7 June in Bari
(Sala De Trizio, Centro Polifunzionale Studenti dell’Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”)

POLYSEMi Portfolio
Learn more about POLYSEMi project now!
Contact us
Feel free to send your inquiries regarding the POLYSEMi initiative; we 'll be happy to provide more information and answers!
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Address :
Platia Tsirigoti 7, P.C. 49132, Corfu, Greece