Introduction by R. Nicolì
This text, here entirely reproduced for the POLYSEMI Library, is a pamphlet written by the renowned Salento scholar Cosimo De Giorgi, published by the Milan printing house Wilmant in 1872.[1] Originally, it was a letter – dated 10th October 1870 – the author sent to his colleague from Pisa Guido Mugnaini; its content is closely related to the Apulian Project Area, since it concerns a short excursion from Bari to Taranto by train. In the nineteenth century the inclination for local and limited itineraries, after a season of long journeys all over the peninsula, as the Grand Tour required, was new. Περισσότερα “Cosimo De Giorgi – GR” →
The itinerary “eminent author reports” winds its way through some of the most beautiful Apulian sites, which can be discovered by the traveler through the words and texts by great twentieth-century writers, poets, and documentary film directors. Documentaries and eminent author reports will accompany the reader or tourist across the towns in the land of Bari and Taranto, with reference to a period when the region was not known to the general public as a tourist destination yet and few people knew the secrets of its beauty and history. It is sometimes a journey back in time, made to explore those Apulian country areas where peasants and day laborers lived in conditions of severe poverty up to fifty years ago, and hamlets and villages where totally left out of modernization and economic growth.
L’itinerario reportages d’autore si snoda tra alcuni dei più bei luoghi della Puglia, che proponiamo al viaggiatore di scoprire grazie alle parole e ai testi di alcuni grandi scrittori, poeti e documentaristi del Novecento. Documentari e reportages d’autore accompagneranno il turista o il lettore attraverso i paesi della Terra di Bari e Taranto, quando la regione non era ancora una meta turistica nota al grande pubblico, quando in pochi ne conoscevano i segreti della sua bellezza e della sua storia. Un viaggio, a tratti, anche a ritroso nel tempo per conoscere quelle realtà della campagna pugliese dove, ancora fino a un cinquantennio fa, contadini e braccianti versavano in condizioni di miseria estrema, e dove borghi e paesi dell’entroterra erano rimasti totalmente esclusi dai processi di modernizzazione e crescita economica.